It has been a while since I posted here about the upcoming Alternatives to Methodological Naturalism online conference, so I thought I would give you all a quick update.
The conference is scheduled for April 16th. We now have a finalized schedule and list of topics. If you are interested, you can register here. The conference is entirely online, so you can join us from anywhere in the world. We have speakers from across the globe participating.
In order to give people an idea of what we are doing with this conference, and to give some speakers who could not make the conference date a chance to participate, we are holding two preview sessions for the conference. The first one was held on Tuesday, with Noel Rude giving a talk on “Universals of Language,” discussing the move from looking at language structurally (from a bottom-up perspective) to looking at it relationally (from a top-down perspective). He also showed how consciousness, causation, and responsibility are the most universal principles for understanding language. If you missed the session, a recording of it is now available online.
The next preview session will be held Monday morning (April 4th) at 7:30 AM Central Time. In this preview session, Dr. Sam Rakover will discussion methodological dualism and multi-explanation frameworks in Psychology. Dr. Rakover is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Haifa in Israel. He will be speaking from Israel (which is one of the reasons for the unusual time). If you want to listen in and participate, you should go to the conference website about 5-10 minutes before the talk starts to get connected.
Anyway, we hope that some of you join us at the conference!
Will all of the talks be available online for later listening?
keiths –
The two preview talks will be available online. We are recording all of the talks and will make them available for purchase after the conference.
By the way, the second preview session is tomorrow morning! Connection information for the session is here.
Argh! I’ve missed the two preview sessions.
It was an awful week last week, I had all sorts of deadlines pop up at the same time and the last night I was up till 4am working on some other stuff. So sorry I missed!
I may try to give my own informal “preview” just to test drive the technology separate from BLYTH.