Here’s Barry’s latest:
I’ve saved the web page in case he ‘disappears’ it, as he tends to do.
Barry is making the case that some irrational beliefs may cause outcomes that are still beneficial and so are not selected against (religion, anyone?).
He does this in reply to Piotr’s comment:
“As far as I can see, thought processes which allow us to understand the world and make correct predictions (and so are empirically “true”) are generally good for survival.”
Please note “GENERALLY good for survival”
in most cases; usually.
(from google search)
Barry, its time for you to learn about ‘distributions’. Do you think the correctness of belief is orthogonal to taking an action that is likely to improve survival chances?
I think given this and yesterdays comment:
“Your comment is classic.
ID Supporter: You can’t make a dog from a finch.
Darwinist: Yeah, but some finches are really really different from each other. I have now refuted your point.”
(Dogs don’t give birth to finches, Checkmate evolution!) – You should actually take some biology and logic classes. Spend less time on your apologetics and ‘rules of logic’ and actually learn something about biological origins.
He’s doing a good job! Can you feel your love growing, Keiths?
Do you think you can post your porn fantasies of keiths in a more appropriate place?
Well, “love” is an awfully strong word :-), but I do agree with what he’s written so far in that thread.
Phoodoo thinks ‘love’ = ‘porn’. Well done Phoodoo, never pass up an opportunity to look stupid.
That’s all correct. I was the person who over-reacted, and I still regret that because it was wrong of me, and because it gave Arrington more ammunition. We made the right decision that I shouldn’t have moderator powers. I don’t wish to dwell on my mistake — just confirming Joe’s recollection.
More Banny logic fails!
Larry Moran to Barry:
“I am absolutely certain that I am able to articulate ID’s real claims better than you. I know this because I read your posts.”
Barry Replies to Larry Moran:
“Which sets up a binary function:
(1) This statement is true. In which case the straw man caricatures you always trot out are an act of affirmative deceit; or
(2) This statement is false. In which case you are just a just a blowhard ass.
Not looking good for you either way Larry.”
If in (1) Larry has a better understanding of ID, how can you be sure he uses “strawman caricatures” given that your knowledge of ID is less than his?
Given this violation of elementary logic, something you should be well versed in given your lawyering and identifying that circles aren’t squares, does this mean you, Barry Arrington, are engaged in “an act of affirmative deceit”?