Contradictions are rife in the Christian bible. Here at The Skeptical Zone we have recently discussed those surrounding how Saul died. We’ve also noted the two conflicting accounts of Judas’ death and what he did with the thirty pieces of silver. There are dozens more.
The Skeptics’ Annotated Bible and The Thinking Atheist are two of several excellent resources on biblical contradictions and absurdities. The sheer volume of contradictions, though, is best demonstrated visually as is done at BibViz:
The creators of this site started with a cross-index of topics in the bible and pulled out those that contradict each other. You can click on the links to get more detail. As a bonus, the site includes references to the sections in the bible that contain Scientific Absurdities & Historical Inaccuracies, Cruelty & Violence, Misogyny, Violence & Discrimination Against Women, and Discrimination Against Homosexuals.
Obviously most Christians aren’t foolish enough to claim their bible is inerrant. Those that do, in the words of Desi Arnaz, have “got some ‘splainin’ to do.”
Show us one case where anyone thought that Isaiah 40 was contrary to the science–or even to the flat earth.
Your history knowledge is no better than your science knowledge.
Glen Davidson
Well, to be fair, he IS an expert in DSM V–especially the sections on dissociative disorders. Nobody can know EVERYTHING!
Science has confirmed flat earth, a resemblance to grasshoppers, and the tent-like nature of the cosmos?
FWIW, Allan, many of my relatives are very much like grasshoppers.
Especially when they’ve had a couple.
Stridulating bastards the lot of ’em. I ain’t no stinkin’ grasshopper!
Just as you give up omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence to avoid the flaws in that formulation of a god, you also give up biblical inerrancy to avoid the issues with the many clear contradictions in the bible. That’s intellectually more honest than the fundamentalist position, but your concept of god is getting farther and farther from that of the typical person in the pew in the U.S.
The only brainwashing comes from theists who indoctrinate their children before those children are capable of critical thought. The bible contains numerous, well documented, clear contradictions. That’s simply a fact.
Ask for evidence.
Patrick, to vjtorley:
Vincent hasn’t given up Biblical innerrancy — yet. 🙂
Edward R. Smith mentionss the Matthew and Luke accounts of the nativity below. From a standard Christian perspective they contradict each other in important ways. But in the way that Rudolf Steiner explains them there is no contradiction.
Any two accounts of anything can be reconciled if you pull a Steiner and let your imagination run wild with metaphorical, symbolic and allegorical reinterpretations.
Reality-based folks need something more: Reasons to think that the reinterpretations are actually correct.
That doesn’t say there is no contradiction. It’s merely more pseudo-intellectual bullshit that attempts to distract from the many clear contradictions in the bible.