The assertion has been put forth that I said I would never post here at TSZ again.
Alan Fox:
Welcome back, mung. Didn’t you say that you would never darken our door again? By your moral compass, don’t you have to call yourself a liar, now?
I’ve been searching for the post in which I made a statement that I would never post here again. I do recall being excessively miffed about something that petrushka wrote about me that I thought was egregiously false. Something about animals being meat puppets. But I haven’t yet been able to locate my response to that post.
What post is Alan is referring to?
As I recall, I read some thing to that effect in one of your comments at Uncommon Descent. My reason for remarking on it was your penchant for the use of the word “liar” (usually in all-caps). 😉
Oh stick around, Mung. You’ll always be able to post censorship free here. Which makes us … Err … The bad guys?
If only you took science as seriously as you take trivialities like this.
This post answers a long standing mystery. Mung rhymes with Grunge not Lung
Thanks Alan. I guess I was searching the wrong site.
All anyone need do is provide a link to the post where I said I’d never again “darken the door” of TSZ and I will both admit that I LIED (HT: Alan) and carry through on what I said. So if someone thinks I said it and need to be held accountable to it, my fate is in your hands. Or keep in in your back pocket for a rainy day.
I do recall being rather upset about something said here and attached to my name. I don’t recall the full content of my response.
That said, thanks to those who don’t think I’m a complete troll and totally uninteresting.
But then I wouldn’t be visiting TSZ, would I.
We’re not interested in expunging you, Mung. This isn’t UD.
Goodness me, don’t take things so seriously, mung.
My remark was only about the irony of your tendency to label other people as liars and here you are… But notice I said “by your moral compass”. I don’t judge you as harshly. You obviously forgot the remark (or I misinterpreted it) which does not make you a liar by my ethics compass.
My golden rule starts with the right to free expression and exchange of ideas. You and anyone else from UD are welcome here with the caveat that applies to everyone to keep to the not-very-onerous rules. (One of which is that we must assume other commenters post in good faith 😉 )
Shrug. You seem to have mistaken a place where people chat for a research lab.
It’s an easy mistake to make, you make it all the time at UD.
“That said, thanks to those who don’t think I’m a complete troll and totally uninteresting.”
Oh, I think that you are a totally uninteresting troll, but the SZ doesn’t have Barry as lord high priest and moderator, so you probably won’t be banned, in spite of the fact that you support this frequently used practice at UD.
The rules are, I hope, clear. Nobody who adheres to them has to worry about being banned.
You’ve accused me of being a liar. You assert I made some remark, somewhere, that justifies your accusation. The only thing missing is the evidence. You either have it or you don’t.
I’m waiting.
Calculated any FIASCO lately?
Not True, young person, not true! I asked you if you had not remarked at Uncommon Descent that you would not post at TSZ again and thus made yourself a liar by your action in posting here again. I’m not calling you a liar.
Rather than trawl through UD archives, I’ll accept that I misinterpreted a comment by you and if you want to assure me that you made no such remark, I’m happy to concede my question was based on a false premise.
Don’t be a coward Alan. Not now. Not when you have the upper hand.
implicate: convey (a meaning or intention) indirectly through what one says, rather than stating it explicitly; imply.
imply: strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated)
It’s only ironic, Alan, if I lied. It’s not ironic if I am simply here.
Alan Fox:
Please post the link to where you asked me if I had not remarked at Uncommon Descent that I would not post at TSZ again.
I’m skeptical.
Is this the comment that started it all?
Mung on May 10, 2014 at 3:14 am said:
That was a simple memory fart. Wrong person. For which I apologised.
Alan has yet to apologize for his memory fart.
What ever happened to Mung? I see him at UD. Don’t be a pearl-clutcher, Mung. Come on back!