Specifically, it looks like the genetic code is a LISP dialect.
Operon structure of genetic code:
– https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/courses-images/wp-content/uploads/sites/1094/2016/11/03164740/OSC_Microbio_11_07_Operon.jpg
LISP function structure:
– http://support.ircam.fr/docs/om/om6-manual/res/listprefix.png
Nested genes:
– https://player.slideplayer.com/31/9782148/data/images/img11.jpg
Nested LISP cons cells:
– https://www.tutorialspoint.com/lisp/images/treestructure.jpg
You know what I don’t believe? That you have been looking very hard if you were unable find a single link on positional information in embryogenesis.
Here you go. Please, if you only read the introduction and watch a few videos (yay! movies) that should already tell you what spatial information differentiating cells need and where it comes from.