Intelligent Design proponents claim to be able to distinguish design from non-design. Here’s an easier task. Look at the inscription in the photograph. Is there any way to tell how old it is? I can tell you the stone turned up in an excavation in 1996 in the Pyrenees. Is there any way to tell if the marks are meaningful or gibberish?
Why don’t we just ask Lizzie then…oops!
Why would design be a coincidence? If something is a whim its coincidental? And even if your totally bizarre inference made any sense whatsoever, you double down with ANOTHER mindless jump, that life can’t be a coincidence? Why not?? Does that even have meaning?
Its like saying, a Tiger, what a paradox. Or, they are sisters, the answer is 2.985.
Do you understand anything not simplistic, phoodoo?
Do you even understand the importance of explaining patterns using observed causes?
Glen Davidson
So let’s summarize, for those at home, what we learned today.
The best way to detect design, is to look at it, and consider if it seems designed. Got it. Thanks Keiths.
There is no such thing as someone committing an immoral act, as long as they don’t think it is. Manson, Damler, OJ Simpson, Pol Pot, Nazi concentration camps, denying gay rights, lynching blacks, ..there is nothing inherently immoral at all about their actions according to the atheists. The people who tortured Matthew Brady, not immoral. They didn’t have a problem with it, so who is to judge? Got it, thanks, Keiths, Allan, Alan, Omagain, Glen, Creo… (I can’t include Richard because I don’t think he understands).
A whim is the same as a coincidence (we have no idea a coincidence for what) and a coincidence is too unlikely to be an explanation for anything (wtf?).
Thanks Glen
No, you really don’t understand, do you?
What’s sad is that you never even try to comprehend anything beyond your simple-minded nonsense.
Glen Davidson
Patterns? Observed causes? More Glen riddle speak.
The only reason you call it a pattern is because it looks like a pattern. Just as Keiths said, you look at it and take a guess. You didn’t observe any causes.
making stuff up is just more Phoodooish. Here is a guy that only flings poop, he’ll never float any opinion he has to defend. Why does ID have such pathetic foot soldiers?
Boy, I can’t wait for Phoodoo to end his senseless babbling and give us his professional determination on the designedness of the engravings and share the cutting edge ID research that he used to reach his conclusion.
Shouldn’t you be jumping all over yourself and your fellow creationist travelers who believe in, worship, and promote the ‘Abrahamic God’ who, according to you believers, worshipers, promoters, the bible, and numerous other books, TV shows, movies, sermons, etc., etc., etc., is the most murderous monster of all time? ‘God’ the sky daddy is responsible for ALL deaths of everyone and everything, isn’t ‘he’?
Have you dashed any babies against rocks lately? Just wondering.
And if you can explain that, there are about 1500 questions (about all, IOW) that you’ve ducked about creationism/ID.
Glen Davidson
Look at it and take a guess, just like materialists?
What I actually said:
What I actually said:
What Glen actually said:
Phoodoo, you’ve already persuaded us of your dishonesty and your incompetence. No need to keep hammering the point home.
Sorry keiths, but probably most of the people who read here know what words mean.
Because you thought about it…and the obvious explanation is…
You looked at it and guessed.
Another flameout by keiths.
For the open thread:
A scientific literacy test