Is TSZ one of the Penumbra of Attack Sites?

As most know, our favourite author and commenter of incoherent word salad over at Uncommon Descent, He Who Shall Not Be Named, often makes reference to those nasty attack sites. More recently, he has referred to the penumbra of attack sites

i was was just wondering if people here thought that TSZ is one of these attack sites referred to by GEM.



18 thoughts on “Is TSZ one of the Penumbra of Attack Sites?

  1. GlenDavidson:
    He probably noticed that we eclipse UD and posters like KF.

    Not that hard to do, actually.

    Glen Davidson

    Are you sure that you are not just erecting a strawman, soaking it in oil of red herring, and setting it ablaze?

  2. I don’t know who the author is on UD. Saying TSZ is a attack site would be strange, unreasonable, and unwise.
    People everywhere are demanding you not say things they don’t like.
    They are imposing their will and striking at freedom of thought and speech.
    No different then the bad guys in history or anywhere today.
    The same human nature and same breaking of social contracts.
    If people complain about the tiny circles in these matters then, by extrapolation, what would they do and react to in large groups/nations.
    We have found the enemy . They are still in our midst.

  3. FYI-FTR: in response to word vomited salads and obfuscational confusionism invoking the concept of penumbra, some clarifying Wikipedia entries without the use of fishing reels:

    The penumbra (from the Latin paene “almost, nearly”) is the region in which only a portion of the light source is obscured by the occluding body. An observer in the penumbra experiences a partial eclipse. An alternative definition is that the penumbra is the region where some or all of the light source is obscured (i.e., the umbra is a subset of the penumbra). For example, NASA’s Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility defines that a body in the umbra is also within the penumbra.[2]


    Penumbra: Overture is the first in a series of episodic survival horror games developed by Frictional Games.[2] It was originally intended as the first episode of a trilogy. With the announcement of the second episode, Penumbra: Black Plague, it was stated that the second game would be the final chapter.[3] However, an expansion has been released since then: Penumbra: Requiem, technically giving the series a third chapter.[4]

  4. Mung:
    TSZ couldn’t attack it’s way inside a wet paper bag.

    You might want to relay that she-who-clutches-her-pearls-and-must-not-be-named. Bydand!

  5. Mung:
    TSZ couldn’t attack it’s way inside a wet paper bag.

    I never said it was an attack site. I was only relating what has been oft repeated by the clown prince of the ID royalty. Are you suggesting that he is wrong? If so, feel free to impose a “correction” at UD. Possibly invoking Mr. Leathers.

  6. Tom English,

    Tom, thank you for the research. I wrote that phrase above out of memory. But it is good to know that dementia hasn’t set in yet. These are the sentences from the first six search finds that use the word penumbra. It would be humorous if it wasn’t so sad.

    August 1 2016: “Not to mention there is a penumbra of attack sites...

    April 23 2015: “Mafioso style tactics that should not fool any decent person above five years of age, as has been going on for years in a penumbra of attack sites:”

    April 8 2012: “ I do not doubt that in the penumbra of hostile and hate sites around UD”

    March 8 2012: “You of course must know about the recent exchanges here at UD (and in the penumbra of objector sites)”

    January 6 2016: “obsessed characters who hang around in UD’s penumbra of attack sites.

    July 24 2014: “ let’s just point to the penumbra of attack sites that surround UD”

  7. Mung: I never said that you said that it was an attack site!

    I never said that you said that I said that it was an attack site.

  8. Acartia:
    Tom English,

    Tom, thank you for the research. I wrote that phrase above out of memory. But it is good to know that dementia hasn’t set in yet. These are the sentences from the first six search finds that use the word penumbra. It would be humorous if it wasn’t so sad.

    August 1 2016: “Not to mention there is a penumbra of attack sites...

    April 23 2015: “Mafioso style tactics that should not fool any decent person above five years of age, as has been going on for years in a penumbra of attack sites:”

    April 8 2012: “ I do not doubt that in the penumbra of hostile and hate sites around UD”

    March 8 2012: “You of course must know about the recent exchanges here at UD (and in the penumbra of objector sites)”

    January 6 2016: “obsessed characters who hang around in UD’s penumbra of attack sites.

    July 24 2014: “ let’s just point to the penumbra of attack sites that surround UD”

    Imagine UD and KF being important enough to spawn haters, and attack sites.

    It’s a lot harder for me to imagine it than for KF, apparently.

    Glen Davidson

  9. GlenDavidson: Imagine UD and KF being important enough to spawn haters, and attack sites.

    It’s a lot harder for me to imagine it than for KF, apparently.

    Glen Davidson

    Just becaus he’s paranoid doesn’t mean that people aren’t out to get him. 🙂

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