and they said that they used to use psychics regularly but the had a review and found that it was not really working and the ‘results’ could be by chance. So they’ve now stopped using them altogether as they have now determined there is no science supporting it.
Unfortunately, as I’m sure you’ll understand, I’m unable to name names and sources for this information. So you’ll just have to believe me,
But I’m sure you’ll understand, phoodoo, sources must be protected.
Did they tell what happened to the funding?
Maybe they hired shrinks to deal with “customers” like you who show more than usual interest in paranormal, or more precisely, have paraabnormal symptoms…😉
Yes, it’s all being spent on the science of ID.
Actually it’s phoodoo that insists that the FBI use psychics and that people like Uri Geller have actual real psychic powers.
Luckily you included a smiley face at the end of that insult, or I may have been insulted. But perhaps take it up with phoodoo, as I don’t believe in ghosts.
Spot the irony?
I can actually hear Omagain crying, saying, “Why won’t you tell me…”
I wonder. Maybe the lack of a response is equally telling.
Tell you what?
This is just a thread to let you know that the FBI are no longer using physics. Nothing more, nothing less.
They have done a meta-study and found that no results were above those expected by chance.
Sooooo the FBI don’t use physics any more. Problem?
It’s the lack of introspection that really amuses me. I do what phoodoo does and he does not see that at all, rather it’s cast into me being desperate to know what he knows. I suppose from his POV that’s better then looking in the mirror I’m attempting to hold up for him.
Given that I don’t believe psychics exist (prove me wrong) logically I’m not waiting for phodoo to tell me that the FBI uses them.
So no, I am not crying for you to tell me something that I believe you are mistaken about in the first place. Just like I’m not denying the evidence for ID because I’m afraid of a ‘god’ you can’t tell me anything about either.
These are all things you tell yourself to avoid addressing the underlying issues. They are projections. They are not real, it’s all in your mind.
Break free of the trash fire religion has imposed on your mind. That’s all those ‘hot air skeptics’ are encouraging you to do. And it seems that you are feeling the pressure….
I have spoken to CAMH. They can’t take the author of the OP as a new patient…
I would recommend trying to wear a pink dress and see if evolutionary pressure can prove the evolution of sex Allan failed to explain…😉