At UD, Barry has written another hypocritical OP criticizing former NBC anchor Brian Williams. I have some questions for him:
Given your own deception and dishonesty, why are you so concerned with the deception and dishonesty of Brian Williams? Are you angry that he’s encroaching on your territory?
When will you explain what happened to Aurelio Smith’s comments, and why it happened?
Will you ever explain why you deleted this entire thread?
How do you reconcile your abysmal behavior with your claim of “having a standard of integrity far beyond what the world requires”?
Williams gets paid for it!
So unfair.
Glen Davidson
Good point! That must rankle.
Wow, this site absolutely runs on what goes on over at UD. Why don’t you all just beg Barry to be invited back?
Nah. We want Barry to come here, where he’d have to post without one hand clutching the ban hammer.
Bullshit. The longest recent thread makes no reference to UD.
Well, for one thing, I don’t trust him to maintain a complete and accurate record of comments.
And for another thing, a blog survives on its readership and its contributors. Don’t expect people to grovel for the privilege of being able to comment (or not, depending on the whim of the blog owner). Any blog that aspires to be financially successful or politically influential should remember its putative audience can and will vote with its feet.
Remember when Barry advised me to ‘retain legal council’ when I highlighted that others had pointed out his quote was an exact replica of a creationist quotemine? I’d like to ask him if I should check the Better Business Bureau for a lawyer with a grade above “D” or if any shyster will do.
IMHO, you’d be better off retaining a good shit-stain remover.
I mean to remove the crap Arrington hurls at everybody who doesn’t think he’s just the awesomest mind going (if my above post wasn’t clear). He’s an utter asshole, his posts are generally really stupid, and I don’t understand why he gets nearly as much ink here as he does there. It’s like having thread after thread about stuff that Jimmy Swaggart or Bozo the Clown wrote someplace.
He could be worse. He was ranked a D- . The scale goes all the way down to F.
Simple. Barry advocates belligerent design theory.
Barry, there’s still time for you to do better.
And I’ll bet there’s at least a part of him that wants to do better.
If there were truth in advertising, this would be Barry’s law practice tag line:
“When you are number 1,225,000, you try harder.”
I can still read the “deleted” thread
Hi, Steve and welcome to TSZ. Do you mean it’s still visible or do you have a copy?
Not at UD, you can’t.
You can see it only because I saved screenshots here and here.
Try refreshing your cache. You may find that it has “miraculously” disappeared. Possibly through “supernatural means”. Or through Barry
I’m an idiot. I can only see the page to which you linked (“Orgel and 500 Coins”). I scrolled quickly up to see which post it was, and totally failed to notice that your comment there referred to another post entirely.
Ah, that explains it.
So yes, as you can see, Barry is willing to delete an entire thread as well as an entire commenter.
he’s gone from D- to “unrated”. As that an improvement?