5 thoughts on “Off to Barcelona

  1. Bye! Have fun, mom!

    Oh boy! Now as soon as she’s gone we can raid the cookie jar and break into the liquor cabinet.  It’s Par-tee time!

  2. Well, not a great start – had my wallet stolen between the airport and the hotel!

    So, penniless in Barcelona….

    Fortunately Hotel is pre-paid with free wi-fi, but I’m getting hungry!

  3. Hopefully the hotel will extend a bit of pity and credit. I’ve never used Traveler’s Aid, but that would be my first thought.

  4. Sorry to hear about your wallet getting stolen. Still hope you’ll have a good time!


  5. Well, I’ve more or less sorted things out – got my cards cancelled, borrowed some money from a friend. drunk most of a bottle of rioja.

    Kind people are so kind.  A complete stranger gave me a 10 trip Metro ticket, so at least I was able to get to the hotel.

    and free wifi is free wifi.

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