The new forum is temporarily housed here:Talkrational Zombie Forum
On May 23, the Talkrational database experienced a crash that left the post table broken. Our Web Host, Arvixe, farted around for several days and let the last good backup of the database be overwritten with the borked version.
They’ve been singularly useless at recovering the database, but I have some slender hopes that we may be able to fully or partially recover the post table without their “assistance”. osmanthus, one of our members who knows a lot of peeps in the forum tech world has reached out to some database experts who would like to try to resuscitate the database.
Regardless of that effort, TR won’t be coming back in its earlier form. If we are able to recover the database, we’ll probably leave it as an archived version of the site and move forward on a new forum software platform called Elkarte. To that end, I’ve set up a forum on my personal server for the interim. Sometime this week, the new forum will move to its own server and web host and we’ll continue to pick up the pieces.
While the forum is on my server, the TR Charter is not in effect. My server doesn’t have the bandwidth or CPU to handle a lot of trolling, and neither does my brain. For those of you who have joked about making me Imperatrix of TR, it’s a reality, albeit a temporary one!
This weekend, my server was having a lot of performance issues due to the sudden influx of traffic to the new forum. I’ve worked with my web host to resolve them, and things are looking a lot better today. If you’ve tried to register and been unsuccessful, give it another try. Several folks have been able to register in the last few hours. If you’re unsuccessful, let me know here, or at the email address I put on the landing page. More information about failed attempts will make it easier to find the root causes.
Hope to see you at TR in the very near future!
Have you considered prayer???
The rational talking to the skeptical about why things go wrong. Something in there for reflection.
Is there a ceiling on rationality that led to the crash? Does rationality have its limits in creativity?
Perhaps intelligent design could be better for these blogs so they don’t crash?
All must agree they didn’t evolve to survive as they did not survive.
Indeed no evolution at all. It was all design but not as sharp.
After TalkRational Closes. Get it now.
Update: Talkrational has survived the Apocalypes. The old forum is now read-only. Both the original TR and the new forum are on a new server.
New forum:
Archived forum
Thanks to everyone involved in the recovery!
Thanks for that update.
Talkrational 3.0 is up: