First post here at TSZ: Where does information come from? July 27, 2011.
In that light this post is about a month late. But please express your thanks to Elizabeth for hosting this blog.
I appreciate having a place where I can create my own OPs.
Thank you Elizabeth.
“First post here at TSZ: Where does information come from?”
I’m a little surprised and disappointed that the discussion on the origins of information never touched on the quantum information conservation based on the concept of quantum field theory, where information is neither created nor destroyed; i.e. pure states remain pure states…
Go ahead
Another pointless Mung OP.
I mean you know something aout quantum information conservation?
Why does newton have to know something about it for you to write an OP on the subject? I’m sure, that, like me, newton simply can’t wait for each of your little masterpieces! Each proves that one doesn’t need to read books or long articles to write…uh….whatever.
Bunch of ingrates.