The Mysteries of Evolution: 4. How did we get here…

…from: “having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one”?

Welcome all after vacation!

I have been reviewing many different articles recently and it hit me like a bolt of lighting: How did materialist who promote the Darwinian theory of evolution get to spontaneous emergence of life from what Darwin himself wrote in the Origin of Species:

“There is grandeur in this [natural selection] view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved”

One would think that scientific, experimental evidence convinced Darwinists to change their mind… Unfortunately, just like many of my posts and comments have revealed, no such evidence has emerged…. So, my question is: what prompted the Darwiwnists to change the fundamental idea about the origins of life originally written by Darwin himself, if no evidence for such a change exists?

70 thoughts on “The Mysteries of Evolution: 4. How did we get here…

  1. Presenting my favorite evolutionary biologist, Dr. Olivia Judson.

    She wrote this book:

    Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation is a unique guidebook to sex. It reveals, for example, when necrophilia is acceptable and who should commit bestiality with whom. It discloses the best time to have a sex change, how to have a virgin birth, and when to eat your lover. It also advises on more mundane matters — such as male pregnancy and the joys of a detachable penis.

  2. Sal,

    Can anyone look to see of this passage is omitted in earlier editions? Thanks in advance.

    Why not look for yourself? They’re available online.

  3. stcordova: Whether intended or not, the mention of Creator helped market the book immensely.The Christian clergy were gobbling this up and promoting Darwinism like the Theistic Evolutionists of today.The Christian clergy even had Darwin buried at Wesminster Abby with all these church women weeping at his funeral as if he were some Christian saint!

    Answers in Genesis has an article on the complicity of the Church in promoting Darwinism.I know that first hand since even today, I’ve been rebuked or given the cold shoulder by Christian Darwinists in venues that I thought would be friendly.For exampleIntervarsity Christian fellowship, numerous evangelical churches, and more recently:

    And my estimate is about half of professing Christians accept Darwinian evolution.

    FWIW, I once dated a Christian Darwinist.I didn’t have as much problem with her Darwinism.That wasn’t irreconcilable.The fact she was a Democrat, however, was a deal breaker.

    She certainly had a close call.

  4. stcordova: That passage may not appear in earlier additions.I haven’t confirmed this.One professor of biology suggested the Creator was mentioned because Darwin was married to a Christian whom he loved very deeply and thus gave a small concession.

    The phrase “by the creator” was added in the second edition but the passage was otherwise unchanged from the first edition. Unless your professor has some documentation of Darwin making a statement to the effect, there seems no basis to consider Darwin’s reasons.

    Whether intended or not, the mention of Creator helped market the book immensely.

    Can you back that up? I can see why you get a chilly reception from “darwinist” Christians. You might consider what sort of reception you would give to a flat earther who gave a talk to your church or other organization.

  5. If there are biologists who oppose canibilism, bestiality, and necrophilia, would it not then be true to say that you are actually guilty of the fallacy of cherrypicking when you choose instead to focus on those who advocate forms of it? Yes, yes it would.

  6. Rumraket: Does that book factor into your reasons for rejecting the truth of biological evolution?

    As usual, Sal fails to make his point explicitly, leaving you to speculate. You could be right, or you could be wrong.

  7. Sal:

    Presenting my favorite evolutionary biologist, Dr. Olivia Judson.

    She wrote this book:

    Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation is a unique guidebook to sex. It reveals, for example, when necrophilia is acceptable and who should commit bestiality with whom. It discloses the best time to have a sex change, how to have a virgin birth, and when to eat your lover. It also advises on more mundane matters — such as male pregnancy and the joys of a detachable penis.

    Sal loves to talk about bestiality.

  8. Sal:

    FWIW, I once dated a Christian Darwinist. I didn’t have as much problem with her Darwinism. That wasn’t irreconcilable. The fact she was a Democrat, however, was a deal breaker.

    She dumped him.

  9. Alan Fox:

    Just saw this, made me laugh. No offence, Sal! 🙂

    It made me laugh too.

    No offence taken old friend. 🙂

  10. Rumraket:

    Does that book factor into your reasons for rejecting the truth of biological evolution?

    No, that book had nothing to do with anything we’re talking about except that when I talked about a pretty Darwinist I once really liked, it reminded me of a pretty Darwinist like Judson.

    I mentioned Judson’s book because that one of the books she was famous for which obviously referred to the strange things that go on in the world of insects, lizards, etc.

    The OP was about the word “Creator” in Darwin’s book and it reminded me of the Christian Darwinists who think Darwin is some sort of God send, and it naturally reminded me of a pretty face from way back, which also reminded me of Judson.

  11. John Harshman:

    The phrase “by the creator” was added in the second edition


  12. stcordova,

    Did you know that there are a couple of searchable variorum editions of the Origin online? You could have found that out yourself with a couple of mouse clicks.

  13. stcordova: No, that book had nothing to do with anything we’re talking about except that when I talked about a pretty Darwinist I once really liked, it reminded me of a pretty Darwinist like Judson.

    I mentioned Judson’s book because that one of the books she was famous for which obviously referred to the strange things that go on in the world of insects, lizards, etc.


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