We are all too familiar with the schtick of certain posters. I’d like to know what they hope to achieve by pounding their limited collection of nails year in year out.
One could summarise the entire output of some in a dozen or so sentences. They KNOW that no-one will answer their challenges to their satisfaction. They KNOW (rather, they think they know) that this is because their challenges cut right to the heart of the matter, and evolutionary theory (“which evolutionary theory?”, a poster mutters for the thousandth time) is not an arena of explanation that will satisfy them. So, once you have satisfied yourself that this is the case, why keep buzzing against that glass like a trapped house-fly?
You can put ME down for a couple!!! Get going!! X>{
Tell me the entailments and I’ll make a case. You can’t and wont – can’t because its beyond you and wont because whenever you say anything specific you get destroyed.
You tell us the entailments, Richie. But you won’t because you don’t have a clue.
Precious. “us”!
Why would Maine be down for a couple?
When of the best quotes on this, which I think apropos:
“…some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like
moneypractical results. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”The entailments are that Joe is unhappy with the fact that science is content with world operating just fine with without an undetectable babysitter. And since said babysitter isn’t apparently detectable, science is fine with with explaining phenomenon in naturalistic terms.
Nice straw man. Too bad no one can explain the existence of living organisms in naturalistic terms. And all you have for the earth and solar system are just-so cosmic collisions. Hand-waving must be a naturalistic term as that is what is employed to explain the existence of the physical laws that govern the universe.
So yes, Robin, I am unhappy with pure bullshit being passed off as science
What we have is observed regularities and a theory of relativity that models them quite precisely. Model fits observations.
No Alan, how they were formed. All you have is sheer dumb luck to explain our solar system. All you have to explain gravity is Hawking’s “They just are (the way they are)” – talking about the physical laws.
Science and materialism do not mix
Well, it’s true I personally don’t have an explanation for why there is a Universe. Do you?
We were talking about the solar system and the laws that govern the universe.
Alan Fox,
I’m guessing ‘design!’
Possibly the most stupid thing ever written here.
Well, very sorry you feel that way Joe. In the meantime, I’m going to keep on working the “pure bullshit being passed off as science” until you get around to convincing the folks governing the institution of your far superior way of doing things.
God I hope there’s a point.
Hardly, lol.
In any event, the very practice of science is a slap in the face of materialism.
What? That doesn’t even make any sense. Your way seems to be baldly declare stuff and not have to test the claims. I doubt science operates that way.
Materialism relies on sheer dumb luck, Richie. It’s sheer dumb luck all the way down, starting with the just-so story of the physical laws. Just-so cosmic collisions to explain the solar system and earth/ moon system. Proto-earth plunging through space debris and getting bombarded from different angles only to wind up with a nice suitable gas-mixing rotation speed right for life. Oh and good thing the large moon only has a tiny fraction of the mass for its relative size. That was lucky. And good thing it isn’t too metallic. Magnets and metal…
I remembered what the point was this morning when I got up, but now I’ve forgotten it.
Dammit, Mung, how much longer must this thread go on because of your forgetfulness?
I think the point is to gather enough mass to cause a collapse into a singularity.
The Omega point of TSZ. Or some such.
Luck and physics.
Sounds like a challenge
Frankie will surpass himself.
His stupidity is like his “Largest Known Number” — always increasing, and being tracked by computer somewhere.
At least I am not stupid enough to say that unguided evolution predicts a nested hierarchy. 😛
So, the space alien Designer pretence has been dropped then?
Lucky indeed there was a God who knew just what to do in this best of all possible universes. “How in hell did I get here?”, It thought. “Oh never mind, what we need is physics. Someone might be glad of it one day. And I sure could use the company”.
That Designer’s off fighting evil. Trying to save the cosmos.
It depends on the context, Allan. Life on Earth- proximate cause- could definitely be via ET terra forming and colonization. And the designer of the universe need not have anything to do with salvation or redemption.
But yes, the physical laws is a great way to have the design operate with little to no intervention. Set it and forget it
I thought you didn’t speak imbecile.
The point is that skepticism isn’t skeptical!
“Largest Known Number”
is a level of stupid I will never understand.