Above all, here’s hoping for a better year next year: Covid vaccines prove safe, effective and are universally available — USA re-establishes itself as a beacon of democracy — UK re-embraces Europe (or newly independent Scotland joins the EU along with a united Ireland) — consensus and effective action world-wide on climate change.
Suggestions on a postcard or post them here. Remember no topic is off-topic.
I hope everyone has a great Festive period despite all these current restrictions on our freedom. Let’s hope all friends, families and acquaintances can be together in spirit if not in person and that our personal differences should not make us enemies but just friends with differences of opinions.
It’s our differences that makes us human and we will pay more heed when friends, rather than enemies, tell us we’re talking crap.
All the best and may brighter times come in 2021 and may our ‘friendly’ banter continue.
Git yontiff, zay gezint!
A year from now, we’re going to look back on 2020 and realize that we had no idea that we had it so good.
Or not. The incoming administration is on record as saying the worst is yet to come, and that it will be MUCH worse before it gets better. So we do have some idea.
Happy holidays everyone
I’m not afraid to say it. Merry Christmas to all.
I wasn’t thinking of the coronavirus epidemic, though yes, that too. I was thinking of a new wave of school shootings once schools re-open, the impacts of climate change on global food supply, income inequality, police brutality, mass incarceration, and the fact that a significant percentage of Trump supporters own a lot of guns and are ready to begin a civil war.
Even if Biden is inaugurated, I doubt that a Biden-Harris administration will do much of anything to solve any of these problems. I voted for Biden because he’s not a fascist, but I have no confidence that the new administration — assuming that Trump’s coup does not succeed — will accomplish anything at all.
I expect 4 years of GOP intransigence while everything becomes much, much worse, then a truly competent and intelligent fascist will run on the GOP ticket in 2024 and probably win.
“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”
–George Orwell
Season’s Greetings! (And Merry Christmas; being coy about that seems peculiarly American!).
My motivational thought: we got through the end-Permian extinction, we’ll get through this! Well, when I say we…
My calculations were off by a year. Elizabeth will return next year!